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H "Boule De Suif" Review/Excerpt
  "The Folly of Assumption" Review/Excerpt
C "Ladies' Night at Finbar's Hotel"  Review/Excerpt
C "The Strange Story of Suzanne Lafleshe: and Other Stories of Woman Fatness"  Review/Excerpt

C Poetry/


"The Tyranny of the Normal"  Review/Excerpt
C  Dubus, Andre "Adultery and Other Stories" Review/Excerpt
 Poetry/Stories e Edwards, L. "Watch Out for the Big Girls" Review/Excerpt
C Maupin, Armistead "Significant Others; Tales of the City V" Review/Excerpt
C Acito, Marc "How I Paid for College"  Review/Excerpt
C Adler, Elizabeth "The Last Time I Saw Paris"  Review/Excerpt
C Allen, Charlotte Vale "Parting Gifts"  Review/Excerpt
C Atwood, Margaret "Cat's Eye" Review/Excerpt
C Atwood, Margaret "The Edible Woman" Review/Excerpt
C Atwood, Margaret "Lady Oracle" Review/Excerpt
C Backauskas, Staci "The Fifth Goddess" Review/Excerpt
C Berg, Elizabeth "Never Change" Review/Excerpt
C Berg, Elizabeth "Open House" Review/Excerpt
C Berg, Elizabeth "The Pull of the Moon" Review/Excerpt
C Berg, Elizabeth "Until the Real Thing Comes Along" Review/Excerpt
C/H Binchy, Maeve "Circle of Friends" Review/Excerpt
C Binchy, Maeve "Tara Road" Review/Excerpt
C Bird, Carmel "The Bluebird Cafe" Review/Excerpt
C Bloom, Amy "Love Invents Us" Review/Excerpt
C Caldwell, Taylor "A Prologue to Love"  Review/Excerpt
C Cheek, Mavis "Janice Gentle Gets Sexy"  Review/Excerpt
C Chessman, Harriet Scott "Ohio Angels"  Review/Excerpt
C Cohen, Jonathan "Bear Like Me" Review/Excerpt
C Coomer, Joe "Beachcombing for a Shipwrecked God" Review/Excerpt
C Coupland, Douglas "Eleanor Rigby" Review/Excerpt
H Courtenay, Bryce "Potato Factory" Review/Excerpt
H Courtenay, Bryce "The Power of One" Review/Excerpt
C/H Crichton, Robert "The Secret of Santa Vittoria" Review/Excerpt
H Dallas, Sandra "The Persian Pickle Club" Review/Excerpt
C Davis, Amanda "Wonder When you'll Miss Me"  Review/Excerpt
H Dawson, Carol "Body of Knowledge"  Review/Excerpt
H Diamant, Anita "The Red Tent"  Review/Excerpt
C Doherty, Berlie "The Vinegar Jar"  Review/Excerpt
C Duncan, Pamela "Moon Women"  Review/Excerpt
C Duncan, Pamela "Plant Life"  Review/Excerpt
C Dunn, Mark "Welcome to Higby: A Novel" Review/Excerpt
C Dworkin, Susan "The Book of Candy" Review/Excerpt
C Edelson, Julie "The Fat Friend" Review/Excerpt
C Eggers, David "You Shall Know Our Velocity" Review/Excerpt
C Fielding, Joy "Grand Avenue" Review/Excerpt
C Fitch, Janet "White Oleander"  Review/Excerpt
H Flagg, Fanny  "Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe"  Review/Excerpt
C Fowler, Connie Mae "Before Women had Wings" Review/Excerpt
C Fraser, Laura "An Italian Affair" Review/Excerpt
C Freed, Lynn "Home Ground " Review/Excerpt
C Gaffney, Patricia "The Saving Graces" Review/Excerpt
C Gaitskill. Mary "Two Girls, Fat and Thin"    Review/Excerpt
 NEW! C Glatt, Lisa "A Girl Becomes a Comma Like That" Review/Excerpt
C Goldmark, Kathi Kamen "And My Shoes Keep Walking Back to You" Review/Excerpt
C Goldsmith, Olivia "Switcheroo" Review/Excerpt
C Goldsmith, Olivia "Fashionably Late" Review/Excerpt
C Goldsmith, Olivia "First Wives' Club" Review/Excerpt
C Goldsmith, Olivia "Flavor of the Month" Review/Excerpt
C Gordon, Mary "Spending" Review/Excerpt
H Grenville, Kate "Lillian's Story" Review/Excerpt







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