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B Biography
C Contemporary
E Erotica
F Futuristic/Fantasy
G/F General Fiction
H Historical
I Inspirational
M Medieval
My Mystery
N/F Non-Fiction
P Paranormal
R Regency
S Romantic Suspense
T Time-Travel
W Western
Y/A Young Adult
e also an e-book 
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Can't locate the kind of story you're dying to read?  You know what they say:  If you can't find it, write it! Submit your curvy stories here:


This database owes its existence entirely to the fans, publishers, and authors of  novels who took the time to add the titles of their favorite stories featuring realistically proportioned heroines ranging from the slightly plump, to the lushly voluptuous, to the largely abundant.  Have you read any of the books featured on this site and have a comment to make on them?   Join a discussion about the book at the Dangerous Curves forum.  Are there books missing from this list which desperately need to be added to it?  Please share the information!  Contact me  if you have books to recommend, or if you feel any novels have been mis-categorized since I am making my best guess based on the excerpts and reviews provided. If you would like to submit your own review, please click here.


Q. What kinds of books are listed here?

A.  This site mainly focuses on fiction in the form of both short stories and novels.  The bulk of the list is made up of romantic fiction, but there are several mystery series, sci-fi/fantasy, and general fiction books as well, with some biographies and poetry thrown in for good measure.

    The one common thread is that all of the books have strong female protagonists who don't fit the current mold for beauty.  They are described as being either real-sized or plus-sized, or they are not described at all but are simply 'everywoman' characters whose appearance is left completely to the imagination of the reader.


Q.  Why are the books not separated by genre and subgenre?

A.  Because a lot of the books would appear on multiple pages, making it harder for me to maintain the website.  (I did, however, compile a few reading lists to help folks find certain types of books with specific qualities which are not denoted by the genre list, as I didn't want to add so many genre tags to each book that it would be impossible to skim through the author lists and find what you are looking for!)

     Plus, by glancing at all the titles in the database visitors have a pretty good chance of stumbling across a great book in a genre they might otherwise never have considered picking up.


Q. What do you mean by "real-size" heroines?

A. "Real-size" heroines are those women who aren't considered plus-size, but who aren't Barbie dolls either.


Q.  How do I know which titles are real-size books and which are plus-size?

A.  Size is such a subjective matter that I'm leaving it up to visitors of the site to make their own decision book-by-book based on the excerpts and reviews provided.  So many of the novels, whether written about a heroine who is size 12 or 22, use the same wonderful descriptive language when referring to their curves: ample, soft, lush, luscious, voluptuous, etc etc   (You can use the search page to find reviews of books with a specific size heroine.)

      I'd hate for anyone to miss out on a great book just because it wasn't marked a certain way size-wise.  However if you are only interested in plus-size books there are some authors, editors, and publishers who do focus exclusively on women over size 14. (Bear in mind there are many authors in the database who have written some plus-size heroines who aren't included in this particular list, so again I suggest you check the reviews of titles that catch your eye. :^) )




Good-bye, Mom.

I love you and will miss you forever.


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