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C Sloane, Gayle "Saturday's Child" Review/Excerpt
H Small, Bertrice "A Love for All Time" Review/Excerpt
My Smith, Alexander McCall "Precious Ramotswe" series Review/Excerpt
 I C Smith, Debra White "First Impressions" Review/Excerpt
 I C Smith, Debra White "The Key" Review/Excerpt
 I C Smith, Debra White "Reason and Romance" Review/Excerpt
I C Smith, Debra White "Second Chances" Review/Excerpt
I C Smith, Debra White "Take Two" Review/Excerpt
 I H W Smith, Debra White "Texas" Review/Excerpt
I C Smith, Debra White "This Time Around" Review/Excerpt
I C Smith, Debra White "To Rome with Love" Review/Excerpt
Y/A Smith, Doris Buchanan  "Last was Lloyd"  Review/Excerpt
G/F Smith, Haywood "Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch" Review/Excerpt
NEW! C W Smith, Janet Elaine "Pampas" Review/Excerpt
My Smith, Janet "A Vintage Murder" Review/Excerpt
My Smith, Julie "Skip Langdon" series Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "A Game of Scandal"  Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "A Seductive Offer Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "Elusive Passion"  Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "For the First Time"  Review/Excerpt
NEW! R Smith, Kathryn  "In the Night" Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "In Your Arms Again" Review/Excerpt
R Smith, Kathryn  "Into Temptation"  Review/Excerpt
NEW! R Smith, Kathryn  "Still in my Heart" Review/Excerpt
G/F Smolinski, Jill "Flip-Flopped: A Novel" Review/Excerpt
B Soffee, Anne Thomas "Snake Hips: Belly Dancing and How I found True Love" Review/Excerpt
C Sommers, Abigail "In God's Eyes" Review/Excerpt
C Sommers, Abigail "Love in the Pyramid"  Review/Excerpt
C Sommers, Abigail  "Vacation of a Lifetime"  Review/Excerpt
C Sommers, Beverly  "Losing It" Review/Excerpt
 NEW! C P Sparks, Kerrelyn "How to Marry a Millionaire Vampire" Review/Excerpt
G/F Spark, Muriel "The Comforters" Review/Excerpt
C Spencer, Lavyrle "Sweet Memories" Review/Excerpt
C Spencer, Lavyrle "The Hellion" Review/Excerpt
 NEW! C Standard, Patty "His Perfect Family" Review/Excerpt
My Staub, Wendy Corsi "Fade to Black" Review/Excerpt
C Staub, Wendy Corsi "Getting It Together" Review/Excerpt
C Staub, Wendy Corsi "Getting Attached" Review/Excerpt
C Staub, Wendy Corsi "Getting Hitched" Review/Excerpt
 My Steinberg, Janice "Death Crosses the Border" Review/Excerpt
H Stewart, Mary "Thornyhold" Review/Excerpt
C Stillings, Marianne "The Damsel in this Dress" Review/Excerpt
G/F Stinson, Susan "Fat Girl Dances with Rocks" Review/Excerpt
G/F H Stinson, Susan "Martha Moody" Review/Excerpt
G/F Stinson, Susan "Venus of Chalk" Review/Excerpt
M Stone, Lyn "My Lady's Choice" Review/Excerpt
 G/F Straight, Susan  "I Been in Sorrow's Kitchen and Licked Out All the Pots" Review/Excerpt
Y/A Strasser, Todd  "How I Changed My Life" Review/Excerpt
F Stuart, Anne "Cinderman" Review/Excerpt
S M F Stuart, Anne "Lord of Danger" Review/Excerpt
C Stuart, Anne "Museum Piece" Review/Excerpt
P Stuart, Anne "Night of the Phantom" Review/Excerpt
H  Stuart, Anne "A Rose at Midnight" Review/Excerpt
C  Stuart, Anne "Still Lake" Review/Excerpt
C e Stuart, Anne "Wedding Cake Blues" short story Review/Excerpt
My Stout, Rex "Nero Wolfe" series Review/Excerpt
C Sumerix, Jeanne (Kathleen Suzanne) "From the Ashes" Review/Excerpt
C S Sumerix, Jeanne  "Shadows in the Moonlight" Review/Excerpt
G/F Sussman, Susan "The Dieter" Review/Excerpt
My Swanson, Denise "Skye Dennison" series Review/Excerpt
 C Swift, Sue "His Baby, Her Heart" Review/Excerpt
G/F Szillagyi, Beth "Hey Lady, Your Tin Snips are Showing" Review/Excerpt

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