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~Mum's the Word~

by Kate Collins

Synopsis   Jen's opinion   Opinion #2   Rec'd reads   Buy this book

Heroine: short and well-endowed


      What should a law school dropout do with her life?  She could do what Abby Knight did, which was buy a struggling flower shop in New Chapel, Indiana.  Seems like an odd choice given her background, but it makes her happy, and it keeps her in contact with people, many of whom could use some kind or other of legal advice.  What does it matter that she isn't qualified to dispense it along with her bouquets?  After all she's a cop's kid, so how can she resist aiding a woman and her son in leaving an abusive home or tracking down the jerk who crumpled her baby, a 1960 yellow ragtop Corvette, in a hit and run accident?

          Too bad, though, she doesn't mind her own business after all.  It might help her to live longer, or so says pro private eye and ex-cop Marco Salvare, a man who can stand wearing leather in high heat and looks dangerous, albeit the good kind of dangerous, the kind that does things to a woman's knees.

         Abby feels confident she can live through the taunts, threats, and hit and run accidents coming her way due to her inquisitive personality, but she just doesn't know how she can survive Marco's smug superiority and testosterone.         

What worked for me:


            The story was cute and funny, had a good plot line which entwined a lot of interesting threads, and although the mystery somewhat easy to figure out in some respects there were still twists that I didn't see coming,


             The shop and its associates sounded darling.  I'd love to visit there for a cup of coffee.  I also enjoyed Simon the cat, though non-cat lovers might not feel the same. 


            Size-wise Abby is short and busty, but her friend Lottie is voluptuous. (However the story wasn't really as friendly to sizes larger than that.)


What didn't work for me:


             It wasn't an issue for me, but folks who don't care for first person point of view stories need to know that this series fits in that category.



          "Mum's the Word" is an enjoyable read and a fine debut for this new mystery series.

~Another Opinion~

from guest reviewer Alana Morales

What worked for me:

                The plot of this book was very well done. The twists and turns help things move along nicely, and it didn't end quite the way I expected it to. I liked that Abby kept sticking her nose into things--she never knows when to stop, which breaks from the norm. Most people will at some point learn their lesson. For Abby, it takes quite a while to do so.


          Size-wise Abby is a shorter woman with a well endowed chest. This isn't a pro-plus size book, but it was nice to read about a woman who is short, since I am too.


What didn't work for me:   


      Once I realized that this was not a plus size heroine, it was fine. Just understand that this is not going to tell you that it is okay to be a plus-sized woman.


      I enjoyed reading it! It has convinced me to read other mysteries.

If you liked "Mum's the Word" you might also enjoy the Stephanie Plum mystery series, the Odelia Grey mystery series, the Tory Bauer mystery series, the Sam Jones mystery series, "Dating Dead Men", "Ain't Nobody's Bizness", "Plum Girl""Princess Charming", "Infernal Affairs", "Fast Women", "Welcome to Temptation", "Faking It", "Switcheroo", or "Lola Carlyle Reveals All".

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